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tv   11 News at Noon  NBC  October 4, 2012 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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[captioning made possible by constellation energy group] captioned by the national captioning institute >> good afternoon, everyone a fire shut down part of downtown. firefighters were sent to the 1700 block of fleet street. >> flames shooting from the roof of a liquor store at 5:30 a.m. tuesday morning. >> we saw flames coming out of the building.
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then a whole bunch of fire trucks started coming, like 11 or 12 fire trucks. the flames and the building started getting worse. >> it was crazy. it was election. >> when firefighters arrived, the fund smoke and fire in the first and second floors. on the first floor, a bar. the fire went to three alarms when it turned dangers on the third floor. >> firefighters got in their early this morning, that up to the third floor and pulled the ceiling to try to find the fire when it rolled back over on them and they had to get out. >> we had a partial roof collapse. the commander ordered all members out into an exterior attack. >> it would take nearly two hours to get the fire under control. one firefighter was sent to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. the cause of the fire is still under investigation.
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>> two wednesday night shootings that turned into homicides, a city police told us that a man shot personal -- multiple times just before 9:00 p.m. he died in shock trauma. police confirmed that the victim in wednesday night's shooting of the 4700 block of heights wa survived. the police department has identified detectives involved asreg boyd, michael voderick and todd stroman. strom and was shot in november 2010. it had the most contact with anthony anderson during last week's encounter. he died of blunt force trauma
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injury. henderson's family says those results -- support criminal consequences. >> they said he was faking because he did not want to go to jail and that is not true. toney suffered on that lot. he was handcuffed and suffered a and he died. we want these officers fired. we want them arrested. and we want them convicted. because if it was a normal citizen the committed homicide, they would be behind bars. >> officer boyd has been sued and found liable for using excessive force in the past. all three officers have been suspended. president obama and mitt romney are back on the campaign trail talking to voters listen 24 hours after the first presidential debate. >> last night, mitt romney was energetic and on the offensive.
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meanwhile president obama seemed subdued and played defensive. republican mitt romney may have secured exactly what he needed out of his first presidential debate, a fresh look for undecided voters. >> he laid out the very clear choice and a big choice. that is what this election is about. >> the candidates sparred on the tough issues, taxes, job growth and medicare. >> i would rather have a private plan. i just as soon not have the government, what kind of health care i get. >> every study has shown that medicare has lowered the administrative cost then private interest as, which is why seniors are pretty happy with it. and private insurers have it -- have to make a profit. >> even president obama had to a myth that he did well. the debate was one of the most -- had to admit that romney did well.
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the debate was one of the most substantive. >> will we hold the governor accountable for his fraudulent position? yes, we will do that. >> the obama campaign is continuing an argument that romney will initiate $5 trillion tax cuts that will benefit the wealthy. >> the proposal calls for a tax cut of $5 trillion. >> everything he said about my tax plan is inaccurate. >> meanwhile, the romney campaign is please. >> romney was in command of the facts last night. >> hoping to build on that conference that came up for the first time in a while. we would love to see how his performance last night could impact his standing in the national polls were he has been trailing by several points. that could take days.
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>> and had a little rain this morning, 100th of an inch. most of it is gone. a little bit left in delaware and new jersey and parts of pennsylvania. the club -- the sun is trying to break through the clouds now. are we done with the rain? are we done with the warm temperatures that those are the big questions. the forecast will try to answer them in its estimate the in just a couple of minutes. >> we finally know when the postseason run will begin. if 4-1 loss last night in the yankees win over boston means the orioles will head to texas for their first game as the second wild-card team. the birds just couldn't get their backs working. but the same cannot be said of tampa bay's evan longoria. there was no stopping him. this one, his third homer of the game. tampa bay over baltimore 4-1. it is the second wild-card team in the american league east. baltimore will face texas in
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arlington, the winner will host the yankees in the american league division. for people stabbed in a bus in oregon. and family and friends remember and family and friends remember those who lost their lives did you know dentures are ten times softer than natural teeth and can be easily scratched? they may also have surface pores, where odor-causing bacteria can grow.
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that's why dentures require special care. make polident® part of your daily routine. polident's unique microclean formula cleanses gently. it releases antimicrobial agents, including active oxygen, to kill ninety-nine-point-nine percent of odor causing bacteria and reduce plaque. for a cleaner, fresher, brighter denture, use polident® everyday. this has been medifacts for polident®.
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>> family and friends of the 30 people killed in hong kong gathered today to mourn the dead. people gathered -- the pleasure ship sank in just minutes in hong kong's worst maritime accident in decades. friends and relatives through flowers and paper money into the water at the accident site today. hong kong also observed a three- minute silence for the dead. back in the states, a 19-year- old man is behind bars accused of stabbing four people, including a city bus driver. austin william van hagen yelled racial slurs and stabbed one person five times. he reportedly jumped back on to
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the bus and stabbed another passenger five times and then stabbed the bus driver in the stomach. teacher union leaders announced that 75% of members approved a new deal. the chicago board of education must now approve the contract. last month week-long strike at 350,000 students at a school in the nation's third largest district. still to come, aspirin may have more benefits than once thought. we already knew it helps to protect against heart attacks. but it is good for our brain. details in medical alert. >> the rain is moving at of the area and the cold front as well. but there is another one in the midwest and there was snow in minnesota today. winter is right around the corner. it looks nice at the beach beyond her ocean city has 79 degrees, 77 degrees at bwi marshall.
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krystal conwell : we see a lot of problems with the... number of students that we have. resources. materials. things that the children need... on a day-to-day basis. anncr: question seven will help. the department of legislative services says question seven... will mean hundreds of millions of dollars... for schools...from gaming revenues that would have... gone to other states. and independent audits will guarantee the money... goes where it's supposed to. krystal conwell: i think people should vote for question... seven because i think it will be a great benefit to children.
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>> a charge is expected to increase bills by $1 to $2 per month. the fee is one of 11 recommendations listed in a report by state task force to improve maryland's utilities. the commission was assessed -- the commission has assessed utilities. the number of americans seeking unemployment benefits rose to three and 67,000.
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thursday's applications increased last week by 4000 from the previous week's level of 363,000. unemployment benefit applications are a measure of the pace of layoffs. when they consistently fall below 3 edson 5000 commit it indicates that hiring a strong enough to lower the unemployment 375,000, it indicates that hiring is strong enough to lower the unemployment rate. jetblue is offering americans a way to make good on threats to leave the country if their candidate does not win the presidential election. the airline is giving way 2012 seats that 1600 round-trip flights for customers on the losing end of the battle between mitt romney and president obama. travelers can escape to mexico and other latin american and caribbean destinations.
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does not include taxes, fees or hotels. >> look at the raider from early this morning until now, we see we did have some rain this morning. it has been down it -- and out a little bit. the clouds are beginning to thin out a little bit. but the rain this morning, only a hundredth of an inch this morning. it did not amount to very much at all. since september 1, right up till yesterday, to 1/7 inches have fallen, below normal for the month -- two 0.7 inches have fallen, below normal for the month. in certain respects, we are a little short, although we seem to be rather wet. we could use a little more i guess. it is nice and green out there.
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the pollen is not doing much. trees, no pollen at all. grass and leaves, all in the low range. it is rather mild down in the lower eastern shore. ocean city reported with 79 degrees. there is some cooler air out there. the french decision to move through our area. it is only in the 60's in far western maryland right now. pretty good sunshine down in the lower eastern shore, which explains why we're getting bumped into the plus. and just a little clip of gary county as pure sunshine. we do expect holes in those clouds later today. here is the frontal boundary that has been trying to move for several days and why we have been so wet. it is right along the coast now
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i'm trying to slide to the northeast. but we're not done yet. a bubble of high pressure will move through tomorrow. but there is another cold front out to the west, a pretty strong one. there is some early cold air behind it. there is even a little snow or snow-rain makes imports of north dakota and northwest minnesota and in canada as well. so some really cold air hanging off in the wing. the back of the tropics, we are still producing tropical storms. this is oscar with 45 miles per hour wind. the store will head toward europe and is not really aimed at us at all. still a little ontil the humid side. still a chance for approval or shower. when will be northwesterly 10 m.p.h. the waves at 1 foot, water
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temperatures in the low-70's on the bay. the last of the rain and cloudiness will be moving out during the afternoon and into the evening hours. the next french approaches on friday, but it is still off to our northwest -- that next front approaches on friday, but it is still off to our northwest. the rain chance will extend into sunday as well. part of the weekend could be wed. here's the seven best a forecast. 81 degrees today and tomorrow. not a high chance of rain. then the next rain chance extends into monday and that could be a little on the web site as well. by tuesday and wednesday, we are only in the 60's for highs. >> health officials say an outbreak of there and deadly form of covell meningitis has cost 26 people to get six in five states -- of a fumble meningitis has caused -- of
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fungal meningitis has caused 26 people to get sick in five states, including maryland. it is important to know that this form of meningitis is not contagious. for more information, click on medical alert on our website. >> a daily dose of aspirin could help against attacks, but it can also help bring function. elderly women who took a low dose of aspirin every day for five years were also at risk for heart disease. after five years, researchers found that the women experienced a slower decline in their thinking and their memory skills. coming up next, your maryland lottery pick three and picked fo numbers.
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beep-bop-boop-bop boop-beep. [monotone] she says, "switch to progressive and you could save hundreds." call or click today. >> the doctors here to answer your pet questions. >> this is neat though, an italian greyhound. -- this is nico, an italian
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greyhound. >> this is nico pizza, an italian greyhound. i was asking the hon. why the stock is a great dog. this is an incredibly social dog. he likes to hang around when they are eating it is from the to everybody and just wants to be part of the mix. i think that is a very interesting characteristic. >> excellent. this question is about pet insurance. what is your take on health insurance? is it worth it? >> the answer is a definite yes in this and permit. but health insurers -- but pitt insurance is kind of like auto insurance -- but pet insurance is kind of like auto insurance. i have looked at all of the insurance companies. right now, in 2012, in october, a company called truepanion is
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the best one on the market. do your due diligence and the side. >> are there any disadvantages to buying my pet medicines on line? >> huge disadvantage is. you can unnecessarily verify where the get the medicine. in new orleans, when they had hurricane katrina, a lot of the medicine wound up seeping back into the market and being sold to some of these nefarious on- line companies. some are good, but it is hard to distinguish. in the maryland area, you don't have to do it. your veterinarians are not that expensive. i believe they will match the prices are even be below the prices. >> , in his four -- how common is a forecast to develop crystals in their europurine? >> it happens this time of year, when temperature changes happen. there is a little bone in the
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male penis of a cat. these crystals coalesce around that bonn and create an obstruction and the cats to die within 24 hours. the urine backs up into the kidneys and killed in the kidneys. if your animal is straining or you see blood in the urine, call your veterinarian immediately. it is not as dangerous for females. but for male cats, take your cat to the vet. >> we appreciate the vise. thanks nico. >> i like this dog progress he is adorable. >> city police opened fire on an armed man this morning. investigators shine more light on what happened and why. a warning tonight for authorities -- from authorities in baltimore. and you're dead for supply could be about to dry out. the dugard diaper -- your diaper supply could dry out.
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>> your pick three numbers are -- six, one, and nine. your major big three numbers are 6, 1, and nine. the new lucky seven game book has a top prize of $1 million. no prizes less than $20. your pick for numbers are 5, 2, 8, and your final pick for number is 3, making your numbers 5, 2, 8 and 3. the maryland lottery.
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let yourself play. >> a quick check of the forecast. >> we will dry out for the weekend. weekend. >>
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